© 2001-2018 Московский физико-технический институт
(государственный университет)
Laboratory of Fundamental and Applied Research of Relativistic Objects of the Universe
20 September 2024
On September 26 and in the following weeks, AstroCoffee will be held in auditorium 206 LC
The laboratory staff will continue to introduce modern research in astrophysics conducted by scientists from MIPT and our colleagues from other Russian and foreign institutes. As well as the basics of those methods, having mastered which, students will be able to join this research!
The time is the same - Thursdays at 17:05.
17 September 2024
On September 19, AstroCoffee will be held in room 226.5 LC!
Topic: Radio interferometry in astrophysics. Lecturer: guest scientist Andrei Lobanov (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Bonn, Germany) - co-author of the discovery of the black hole shadow at the Event Horizon Telescope. 1st and 2nd year undergraduate students are welcome!
Thursday, September 19th, 17:05, 226.5 LC.
To be continued!
10 September 2024
AstroCoffee topic on September 12th: "Active galactic nuclei: cosmic accelerators"
Lecturers: leader of the Laboratory of Fundamental and Applied Research of Relativistic Objects of the Universe Elena Nokhrina and researcher Alexander Popkov. 1st and 2nd year undergraduate students are welcome!
Thursday, September 12th, 17:05, 206 LC.
To be continued!
3 September 2024
New season of AstroCoffee!
We invite first-year undergraduate students to “Astrophysical Coffee” - classes on the basics of astrophysics in a relaxed atmosphere. You can discuss the latest astrophysical news, learn first-hand about astrophysical departments and laboratories of MIPT, and perhaps get involved in scientific work. Takes place on Thursdays at 17:05 in 206 LC, lecturer - V.S. Beskin
Starting on September 5th!

3 September 2024
Lab in media: Search for sources of high-energy neutrinos again points to active galactic nuclei
Read in "Za Nauku" (in Russian)13 July 2024
Summer School - 2024
From July 1 to 12, the Third Summer School of Astrophysics, supported by the Priority-2030 program of the MIPT, was held at the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory (PRAO) in Moscow region. As part of the School, on July 6, the MIPT Day was organized, during which participants were able to visit the MIPT campus. The participants attended the lecture of the invited scientist Andrey Lobanov (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Germany) "Black holes and their exotic relatives" (recording on YouTube). After the lecture and lunch, Professor of MIPT Vaily Semenovich Beskin introduced the School participants to the activities of the Laboratory.1 July 2024
Congratulations to the laboratory team members Nokhrina Elena, Popkov Alexander, and Frolova Valeriya on winning the research grant “Leader” of the Foundation for the Development of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics “Basis”! The grant is allocated for a period of three years.11 April 2024
Through a rabbit hole to distant quasars
The magazine “Za nauku” published an interview with Evgenia Kravchenko, in which she talks about her achievements and the achievements of the laboratory staff included in the group of her RSF grant in the study of active galactic nuclei. And also about what inspires her in her scientific work, and how studying distant quasars is related to real satellite navigation today and fantastic space travel in the future!Read
25 March 2024
Lab in media: Scientists take a look at the young Universe with the help of distant quasars
Read in "Za Nauku" (in Russian)19 March 2024
Lab in media: Astrophysicists have determined the restless nature of the black hole jet in the M87 galaxy
Read in "Za Nauku" (in Russian)29 February 2024
Lab in media: Astrophysicists have visualized the structure of the black hole jet of the M87 galaxy
Read in "Za Nauku" (in Russian)7 February 2024
Lab in media: In the Russian Federation, astrophysicists have developed a new approach to studying black hole jets
Read in "TASS Science"27 November 2023
to the group led by Prof. Vasily Semenovich Beskin on winning the RSF grant for small groups "Radiation and propagation of radio waves in strongly magnetized astrophysical flows"!
18 September 2023
New season of AstroCoffee!
We invite first-year undergraduate students to “Astrophysical Coffee” - classes on the basics of astrophysics in a relaxed atmosphere. You can discuss the latest astrophysical news, learn first-hand about astrophysical departments and laboratories of MIPT, and perhaps get involved in scientific work. Takes place on Mondays at 17:05 in 206 LC, lecturer - V.S. Beskin

8 September 2023
Summer school
The second Summer School of Astrophysics was held from August 14 to 25 at the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. A detailed report on the school can be found here. Of the 20 participants, seven are MIPT students. These are Daniil Kozlov, Daniil Kurylenko, Valentin Nezabudkin, Veronika Pluzhnikova, Vladimir Fedorov, Vyacheslav Chernosov, Artyom Churilkin. Laboratory staff took part in organizing and conducting the school: V.S. Beskin, E.V. Kravchenko, A.V. Plavin and D.I. Zobnina - as teachers; E.E. Nokhrina, Y.Y. Kovalev and V.S. Beskin - as members of the scientific organizing committee.
11 July 2023
to the group led by Evgenia Kravchenko on the extension of the RSF grant for young scientists "Mechanisms of magnetohydrodynamic launch of relativistic jets in active galactic nuclei and related phenomena"!
30 June 2023
to the students of our lab Arseny Istomin, Fedor Knyazev, Ivan Kostrichkin, Vladislav Makeev, and Roman Todorov on the successful defense of their bachelor's theses, and Timur Khalilov on the successful defense of his master's thesis!
21 June 2023
Summer school
From August 14 to 25, 2023, the second Summer School in Astrophysics will be held at the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory (PRAO) in Pushchino, Moscow Region. Lectures and practical classes will cover the following topics: active galactic nuclei, interstellar dust, cosmology, very long baseline radio interferometry. Among the lecturers are leading scientists of the LPI Astrospace Center and our laboratory.
A report on the previous school can be viewed here.
Applications for participation in the school are accepted until July 20 at the link.
28 April 2023
Three the students of the laboratory: Arseny Istomin, Ivan Kostrichkin, and Vladislav Makeev - became the winners of the scientific works competition of the 65th MIPT conference in the LPR section!
The winners are given the right to enter the MIPT LPR master's program without entrance exams.
30 November 2022
Lab in media: Russian astrophysicists have found and studied neutrino emission of the Milky Way
Read in "TASS.Nauka"
26 October 2022
Lab in media: Interstellar dust let scientists look at the Milky Way from distant galaxies
Read in "Naked Science"
3 October 2022
New head of the lab!
Elena Nokhrina has became the new head of our laboratory.
28 September 2022
Elena Nokhrina has defended her Doctor of Sciences thesis.
Alexander Popkov has defended his PhD thesis.
1 September 2022
Student projects
Project ideas proposed by the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory.
11-22 July 2022
Summer School
The 2022 Summer School For Astrophysics at the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory
7 April 2022
Alexander Plavin has defended his PhD thesis.
27 January 2022
Alexander Plavin has become a laureate of the Moscow award to young scientists.
22 January 2022
Lab in media: "RadioAstron" helps discover a binary black hole system
Read in "Scientific Russia"
October 2021
Popular lecture "Lighthouses of the Universe: active galactic nuclei" and an open lecture course "Active Galactic Nuclei" by Andrey Lobanov at MIPT.YouTube: Lighthouses of the Universe: active galactic nuclei | Lecture course "Active Galactic Nuclei"
11 August 2021
Valeria Frolova has became a PhD student at MIPT advised by Elena Nokhrina.
6 July 2021
Paul Boley and his group with extension of the RSF grant.
1 July 2021
Lab students Nadezhda Dmitrienko, Ivan Kramarenko, Valeriya Frolova have defended their diploma.
10 June 2021
Lab student Ivan Kramarenko has won a scholarship for MSc studies at the University of Geneva.
April 2021
International Astronomical Union
Elena Nokhrina has become an IAU member. Yuri Kovalev has become an IAU radio astronomy commission committee member.February 2021
Mentored Astrophysics Projects
We invite interested 1st- and 2nd-year students to participate in astrophysical projects mentored by our lab members. Available mentors and projects:
10 January 2021
Lab in media: Noone: … Absolutely noone: … «Meduza»: Actually, neutrinos are the most important in 2021!
25 December 2020
Lab in media: top-10 discoveries of 2020 in Russia
Physicists have located the most mysterious particle in the Universe: our results made it into top-10 scientific discoveries of the year according to RSCF.
19 December 2020
ANTARES Collaboration
Our laboratory became an observer member of the ANTARES collaboration for joint research on the topic of high-energy neutrinos and blazars.
5 December 2020
Lab in media: Cosmic supercolliders and the most mysterious particle in the Universe
September 2020
Extra astrophysical education for 1-2 year students
Our lab, together with the Space Research Institute and the Lebedev Physical Institute, invites first-year students to participate in the Astrophysical Coffee on Tuesdays, 18:35, 206 LK [details].
5 September 2020
Lab in media: The signal from a black hole merger was detected on Earth 7 billion years later. Why does this intrigue scientists?
1 September 2020
Lab in media: European VLBI Network Newsletter
Today's issue of the European radio telescope network featured works from our lab:
25 August 2020
Lab in media: NASA Missions Explore a ‘TIE Fighter’ Active Galaxy
NASA reports results obtained with the participation of lab members.
Read at NASA | RIA.News
August 2020
Yuri Kovalev is now a Science Ambassador of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Russia.
28 July 2020
The "Neutrino and Particle Astrophysics" project has won the large scientific projects competition.
Our lab is a part of the consortium in this project. Over the next years we will develop and expand the high-energy particle astrophysics together with our colleagues from other institutions in this consortium: INR, JINR, LPI, SAO, etc.
07 July 2020
Evgenia Kravchenko has won the RSF competition for scientific groups lead by young scientists.
29 June 2020
29 June 2020 our lab students Mariya Demyanenko, Nikita Kosogorov, and Evgeny Tsyplakov defended their BSc diploma at MIPT.
April 2020
The D.V. Skobeltsyn prize has been awarded to Alexander Plavin, a PhD student in our laboratory.
31 March 2020
The group led by Andrey Lobanov has won the RSF competition for leading scientists projects. The project name is "Formation and propagation of relativistic outflows in active galaxies".
January 2020
The Komissarov foundation has supported Ivan Kramarenko, a student at our laboratory.16 December 2019
Evgenia Kravchenko won the competition for scientists with international work experience and will join our lab.
November 2019
Y. Y. Kovalev, V. S. Beskin, S.V. Babak became participants of the leading advisors program at MIPT.
September 2019
Visit of Leonid Petrov
A visit of Leonid Petrov to MIPT is planned for September 30 - October 4, 2019.August 2019
RFBR supports projects of PhD students advised by Yuri Y. Kovalev in our laboratory: Alexander Plavin (Quasar jets at sub-parsec scales) and Alexander Popkov (Active galactic nuceli: relation between their radio spectra and VLBI structure).
August 2019
Summer practice 2019
Ivan Kramarenko: Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, July 2019.
Topic – VLBI data processing and AGN properties from radio to gamma waves, mentor – Alexander Pushkarev.

Alexander Plavin: National Radio Astronomy Observatory, June-August 2019.
Topic – MeerKAT Polarization Commissioning, mentor – Bill Cotton.

April 2019
Presentation and talk about our lab at the MIPT open day on April 14, 2019.February 2019
Grant RSF 16-12-10481 «Synchrotron self-absorption in the nuclei of active galaxies: astrophysics and applied applications» (extended for years 2019-2020) is extended for years 2019-2020. Grant head is Y.Y.Kovalev.September 2018
Visit of Leonid Petrov
A visit of Leonid Petrov to MIPT is planned for October 1-5 2018.10 September 2018
Elena Nokhrina was awarded the title of Docent on September 10th, 2018.July 2018
Paul Boley was awarded a grant from the Presidental Program of the Russian Science Foundation.