
Elena E. Nokhrina [link]

Group leader, leading researcher
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant professor, Department of Higher Mathematics (MIPT)

Vasily S. Beskin [link]

Chief researcher
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Department of Problems of Physics and Astrophysics (MIPT)

Evgeniya V. Kravchenko [link]

Postdoctoral researcher with international experience
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD)

Ilya N. Pashchenko [link]

Senior researcher
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD)

Alexander V. Popkov [link]

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD)

Valeriya A. Frolova [link]

Junior researcher
PhD student at MIPT

Timur I. Khalilov [link]

Junior researcher
Student at MIPT

Arseny Y. Istomin [link]

Lab assistant
Student at MIPT

Fedor A. Knyazev [link]

Lab assistant
Student at MIPT

Ivan M. Kostrichkin [link]

Lab assistant
Student at MIPT

Andrey Semenov [link]

Lab assistant
Student at MIPT

Roman V. Todorov [link]

Lab assistant
Student at MIPT

Svetlana V. Kapuntsova [link]


Visiting scientists

Stanislav V. Babak [link]

Visiting scientist
PhD in relativistic astrophysics at Cardiff University; Directeurs de recherche (DR2) at CNRS, Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie; член коллабораций LISA/VIRGO-LIGO/EPTA

Andrey P. Lobanov [link]

Visiting scientist; MIPT visit-professor
PhD in Physics, научный сотрудник в Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie

Former employees

Paul A. Boley [link]

Senior researcher
Dr. Rer. Nat

Mariya V. Demyanenko [link]

Lab assistant
MIPT student


Alexey V. Dyachenko [link]

Lab assistant
PhD student at UrFU

Maria S. Kirsanova [link]

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD)

Arina A. Klushina [link]

Student at MIPT

Nikita A. Kosogorov [link]

Lab assistant
Student at MIPT

Yury Y. Kovalev [link]

Chief researcher, lab leader in 2017-2022
Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Currently: at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Bonn, Germany

Victoria A. Mukha [link]

Lab assistant
MIPT student

Nadezhda S. Nikonova [link]

Lab assistant
MIPT student

Leonid Y. Petrov [link]

Visiting scientist
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, VLBI Lead Scientist at NASA

Alexander A. Philippov [link]

Visiting scientist
PhD in astrophysical sciences at Princeton University, NASA Einstein Postdoctoral Fellow at University of California, Berkeley

Alexander V. Plavin [link]

Junior researcher
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD)

Alexander B. Pushkarev [link]

Chief researcher
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the RAS

Georgiy L. Stavisskiy [link]

Lab assistant
Student at MIPT

Alexander D. Tchekhovskoy [link]

Visiting scientist (till February 2022)
PhD, faculty in Northwestern University

Daria I. Zobnina [link]

Junior researcher
PhD student at the Lebedev Physical Institute

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